I wish CNN would stay in their own coverage when the second plane crash took place and stay away from WABC, WNYW, and many other affiliates.
If CNN stayed away from WABC, the camera picture like the one that showed the video at
9:10 AM would definitely be a better live shot for the second crash. Why not just recap just like what Matt Lauer on NBC news said at
9:00 rather than joining in WABC and what Matt said to recap it was clear all right for me. I enjoy hearing Ira Furhman speaking because he was a NTSB member. I don't like the headline saying "Whole Building Just Exploded" at
9:34 because this can make viewers confused as to what actually happened. I wish Arron Brown had never been born! I don't like the way he talks with um and uhs and says help me out guys. I think PAULA ZAHN should be the very best reporter covering the WTC attacks from the roof where Arron was because I'm saying he is such a rookie! He only been with CNN since July 1, 2001. I wish he has earphones so he can hear better everytime he is talking to reporters like Major Garrett, CNN White House Correspondent at
9:38 AM. I hate the moment at 10:42/41:41 because he is just like my old dad.